Cake Walk USA

Who We Are

Once upon a time, while waiting in a very long line at Whistler Village, I noticed lots of snowboarders walking by juggling what seemed like far too many items. Coffee, cell phone, gloves, not to mention their snowboards. I commented to my husband that there was definitely a need for a type of snowboard carrier that would allow the boarders to be hands-free. I noticed the occasional full-size backpack wearers, who could carry their board strapped to the outside of their pack. However, most were trying to multi-task without any type of carrying device, while hiking through the village.

This spawned an idea: a backpack/board carrier that would fold up into a small convenient pocket! Something that could disappear into jacket until you need it. Yes, I thought, this could really work!

Once home, I got out my sewing machine and went to work. Soon, my first prototype, was born. And I named it “Cake Walk”.

Making life easier is what Cake Walk, USA was founded on. I felt I had created something incredibly unique, useful, and convenient! So friends: make it sweet, make it a Cake Walk!

Karen Gardner
Founder, CEO


Live to Ride
